Sunday, September 25, 2011

Long time no post!

Oh picture time!

First up was candle light poker night with Josh. Clearly I won with that hand :) It was nice to ban all of the electronics for the night (except for my camera :) and just spend time with each other.

Neck tattoos are pretty much pure Klassyness. With a K!

I loved how the lady at the grocery store was like hmmmmmm what is that on your neck?

                                            Yum :) Especially when they are dragons!

                                    This is my latest project. Only $12.00! I sanded and painted the top a dark black brown and then painted the bottom a nice creamy white! It is almost finished. I just need to find fun knobs and take a picture!

                                                            Decembers Project!

                                                        I love fall time flowers!       

One year ago yesterday! 
I cant believe she is already one year old!
Just the cutest niece ever!

                                                  Everyone needs a pair of shoes like these!

It is already October pretty much! Good gosh!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Empty Bowls and breakfasts

So my new favorite thing is my ramekins. I got everything here for about 10 dollars. Sweet deals!

I have been using them to make breakfast bowls.
All you do is cook some tater tots and cram them in the bottom and then a layer of cheese and then you can do whatever kind of breakfast meat you want. For bacon I cook it half way and then wrap it around, and then top it with an egg and bake it. So very tasty!

Today was Empty Bowls at the Prescott square

Me and Josh went with Mom and holy canoli there was tons of people there. You go and pick out a bowl that is hand made by a local artist and then you fill it with soup. There are about 14 restuarants and chefs in the area that make soup and then Wildflower bread company donates bread. And all the money that they make from this is donated to local food banks etc. It is neat to buy some food and get to keep the unique bowl that you picked out and be doing something good.
                                                                       My bowl

                                                         Sorry dear........ :)

                                                      Joshs bowl (above) and Moms (below)



Ah I feel so much better about my kitchen.....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday morning laziness

Hey look I can blog from my phone. My Saturday morning isn't all lazy!