It is a hot sun of a gun! Holy Heck summer is here. I love having the time in the evening to be able to do things after work, Josh gets to do more activities. Tonight hopefully we are going to go for a hike with our rambunctious doggies. They are finally both mostly back to health. Dixie was sick with some strange hacking wheezing reverse sneezing and poor baby couldn't even sleep. Roy had some teething troubles. No more pets!!! They worry me to much!
Our anniversary was so nice :) we were working on our floor so we kept things low key and went to dinner and toured some places that are special to us. We are still as happy as ever :)
Since then we worked on a new flower bed for the front of our house and finished digging all the crappy dirt out and putting the new dirt in and installing the border. Josh FINALLY!! painted the chimney! YAY! he liked to antagonize me by leaving it and I have problems with climbing ladders so I flat out refused to do it. Finally our house matches. Now I can return to judging our neighbors for not finishing painting their house without feeling guilty for having a mismatched house myself!
We got to go to Phoenix and watch Seylah for Jordan and Alex, they were going to go jet skiing for Alex's birthday. We had such a blast with her! We went to lunch at Toby Keith's restaurant and then to Bass Pro shop. Not sure if Josh had more fun or if she did :) I had fun taking her shopping and letting her pick out some nail polish for her little toes!
Fathers day was great! We got to go out and visit with my dad and mom and Jordan and Seylah. It was hot and windy so me and Seylah got to play in the water in my parents back yard!
Now we are looking forward to hopefully getting to visit Jacy and Tim in Hawaii in September! I am trying to plan a surprise for Josh while we are there as well :) As long as I get to snorkle my little heart out and visit Jacy I will be a happy camper!
The Little Tarter Family
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Cement Floors!
HAHAHAHAHA. The floor dibacle! I was so ready and excited for stained concrete. We happily took all the carpet up in our bedroom and closet. Rippety rip rip rip. Oh crap. Is that tons of paint all over on the floor? (geez go a little easier on the paint sprayer next time fellas) A little air goes out of our bubble. Oh well off to Lowes and Home Depot we go to find our supplies. After loading up on the supplies we decide that we will just try to get the paint up and if it doesn't work then we will say to heck with this and come up with another option. So after trying to remove the paint with acetone I see these little rolly ball things that are not coming up with the steel brush. I look closer and oh yeah our carpet looks like it is a hairy beast. There are some type of fiberglass or something hairs all over in our concrete. Instantly my bubble is burst! No way in heck are we going to be able to pull this off. Back to the store we go. We return the stain and decide that we are just going to have to do something else. I have a moral problem with tile in bedrooms unless it is ginourmous gorgeous tiles in a ginormous gorgeous house and our house is great but I can't see it in our room. We decide some type of fake wood. Yep. It is cheap and since I have ADD with home decor it won't kill us if we need to change it. After talking to everyone at the stores we decide vinyl planks. Apparently it is more durable then laminate because it doesn't scratch as easily. It is more durable then wood for that matter. Since we have dogs and I don't feel like being paranoid about my floors, we say great! Sounds good to us!
Seriously easiest floors ever. They look great and only took us a few hours. Josh wouldn't let me do the real manly stuff :( but I snuck a few planks in when he wasn't looking. We are happy with this and are seriously considering doing it in the rest of the house. Maybe tile. Maybe that. See? ADD.
Seriously easiest floors ever. They look great and only took us a few hours. Josh wouldn't let me do the real manly stuff :( but I snuck a few planks in when he wasn't looking. We are happy with this and are seriously considering doing it in the rest of the house. Maybe tile. Maybe that. See? ADD.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Love :)
So there is a countdown till our first anniversary.
I miss planning a wedding. There are just alot of ideas and rings that I want :)
I miss planning a wedding. There are just alot of ideas and rings that I want :)
Hehe I love him!
So the other night Dixie peed alllllll over our covers on our bed. So disgusting. Lukily none of it got through to the mattress. However, after I had changed all the bedding and shamed her, I was laying in bed fuming about carpet. I hate carpet. Who ever thought it would be a good idea. It is literally like wearing the same pants for forever. You cant really clean it because there is always underneath that it stinking it up! I have cleaned and cleaned our carpets and I never feel like they are truly clean. AND THEY ARE BLUE. Bleh. Not a nuetral color. So I determined at 12:34 A.M. last Saturday evening that we are going to do stained concrete in our bedroom this weekend. If it doesn't work out then we will just cover it up with something. If it does? Then our whole house (besides laundry room and bathrooms) will have the same gloriously not carpeted look. AHHHH
Luckily Josh was on board. Sometimes it takes him a little while to catch the home project bug and get on the train but he is ready! Luckily he has some time off after Friday this week and we are hoping to get it done by the middle of next week! Whew! Love it. I need projects to keep my little mind busy!
This is not our house. This is a nice house. But this is what I am hoping ours turns out similar to....

This is what we are going to be using..... This is also not our house. Our house has a hole in the wall (thanks Dixie) right now and has hideious blue carpeting.

So hopefully by this time next week I will be rug shopping and not tile shopping ;)
Luckily Josh was on board. Sometimes it takes him a little while to catch the home project bug and get on the train but he is ready! Luckily he has some time off after Friday this week and we are hoping to get it done by the middle of next week! Whew! Love it. I need projects to keep my little mind busy!
This is not our house. This is a nice house. But this is what I am hoping ours turns out similar to....
This is what we are going to be using..... This is also not our house. Our house has a hole in the wall (thanks Dixie) right now and has hideious blue carpeting.

So hopefully by this time next week I will be rug shopping and not tile shopping ;)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Puppy Time!
Yep. We are officially gluttons for punishments! I was coerced into getting Josh a puppy! Good lord. Josh and Dixie were yearning after a new puppy. I was still recuperating from cleaning the carpets every two weeks and patching holes in my walls daily and not being able to nap for fear that Dixie was chewing up a electrical cord some where or sneaking my shoes outside (or my contact case, pencils, socks, dishtowels, dustpans.... you know) or sneaking off somewhere to wee on the floor. So Josh finds a huge litter of puppies that had been turned into the Yavapai Humane Society. 10 of them! Apparently they were labeled as "hound mixes" which was tempting to me because I had sworn that I would not get a lab. ESPECIALLY A BLACK ONE. I imagined a hound dog to have a closer temperament to Duke off of the Beverly Hill Billies. Or Charlie, the Pioneer womans dog. So Josh asks me and Ann (fellow worker at the salt mines and friend and dog picker outer) to go and "just take a look" (haha). We promptly go to the Humane Society and find these cute little puppies. There are some laying in the back, sleeping ever so quietly, and some chewing on the wire fence. There is a cute little black one at the front. He wiggles and starts chewing on my finger when I pushed it through. I instantly bond and decide he is the only one for me. (bad idea to send me Josh) I go and find the lady and say I want him! so she starts filling out the paperwork. "How will you train him to not chew?" (AHAHAHAHAH lady you have no idea what I have been through with chewing) "How will you train him not to nip? How will you potty train him? Describe your home environment?" (well I have a husband who won't paint our chimney and that annoys me...... and sometimes I nag him about that? so sometimes it can get a little dicey?) Finally after an eternity of filling out paperwork and her explaining how I musn't bathe him for 2 weeks because of his nuetering.......(HAHA he stunk lady and I carefully washed him after 4 days) we headed home to present Josh with his new friend. I had a scary thought pop into my head because the lady had said that someone had adopted a puppy earlier that day and for a second I was terrified that Josh had given in and went and seen the puppies and got one to surprise me. Finally we get home, I took him in and put him on the bed next to sleeping Josh. Josh rolls over. I put the puppy on the other side. Josh groans and doesn't open his eyes. I finally ask.... Ummmmm.... Josh are you going to play with your puppy? He opened his eyes and and was so happy! :) It was so cute. The first night with the puppy was sheer torture. Josh blissfully trotted off to work and I proceeded to put the little baby in bed in a crate. He was not so happy about this arrangement. He howled and shrieked and stomped his little feet and yanked on the wire sides. Finally after an hour he fell asleep. And then he proceeded to wake up every hour and repeat this routine for the whole night. Yep. But other those few hiccups he has been a fairly good little puppy. Dixie and him have complete opposite personalities, he is not scared of anything and she is running under the bed all the time. Hopefully they balance each other out as time goes on!
Oh Dixie. She is so weird :)
She also got stung by something. Poor baby looked miserable but thankfully a benadryl cleared it right up!
Next Week!
Mine and Josh's first anniversary!!!
OH! and puppys name is Roy. And he could not be more like a black lab. (except for the howling)
Monday, March 26, 2012
Discombobulated Things.
So I have a new obsession. Clearly. I won't shut up about these.
Diamond Candles.
I am already obsessed with jewelry and smell good things! And a Diamond Candle just combines these two things better then a teenager and a sparkly vampire.

Also in other Tarter related news,
There is actually farm equipment that is made by Tarter.

Apparently we are not related to these Tarters. I asked.
I am thinking of repainting something. I need a project. I am going a little stir crazy with nothing to focus on. I think that I am going to start planting the yard and maybe working on getting just a little patch of grass going. I also would like to do something to my back patio. I am thinking about painting it with a stencil.....

Something like that. I just need something to do :) besides the cleaning and and laundry.
Oh nd we got a puppy.........
I think that one deserves a little post of its own.
Diamond Candles.
I am already obsessed with jewelry and smell good things! And a Diamond Candle just combines these two things better then a teenager and a sparkly vampire.
Also in other Tarter related news,
There is actually farm equipment that is made by Tarter.
Apparently we are not related to these Tarters. I asked.
I am thinking of repainting something. I need a project. I am going a little stir crazy with nothing to focus on. I think that I am going to start planting the yard and maybe working on getting just a little patch of grass going. I also would like to do something to my back patio. I am thinking about painting it with a stencil.....

Something like that. I just need something to do :) besides the cleaning and and laundry.
Oh nd we got a puppy.........
I think that one deserves a little post of its own.
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