HAHAHAHAHA. The floor dibacle! I was so ready and excited for stained concrete. We happily took all the carpet up in our bedroom and closet. Rippety rip rip rip. Oh crap. Is that tons of paint all over on the floor? (geez go a little easier on the paint sprayer next time fellas) A little air goes out of our bubble. Oh well off to Lowes and Home Depot we go to find our supplies. After loading up on the supplies we decide that we will just try to get the paint up and if it doesn't work then we will say to heck with this and come up with another option. So after trying to remove the paint with acetone I see these little rolly ball things that are not coming up with the steel brush. I look closer and oh yeah our carpet looks like it is a hairy beast. There are some type of fiberglass or something hairs all over in our concrete. Instantly my bubble is burst! No way in heck are we going to be able to pull this off. Back to the store we go. We return the stain and decide that we are just going to have to do something else. I have a moral problem with tile in bedrooms unless it is ginourmous gorgeous tiles in a ginormous gorgeous house and our house is great but I can't see it in our room. We decide some type of fake wood. Yep. It is cheap and since I have ADD with home decor it won't kill us if we need to change it. After talking to everyone at the stores we decide vinyl planks. Apparently it is more durable then laminate because it doesn't scratch as easily. It is more durable then wood for that matter. Since we have dogs and I don't feel like being paranoid about my floors, we say great! Sounds good to us!
Seriously easiest floors ever. They look great and only took us a few hours. Josh wouldn't let me do the real manly stuff :( but I snuck a few planks in when he wasn't looking. We are happy with this and are seriously considering doing it in the rest of the house. Maybe tile. Maybe that. See? ADD.
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